Slide “Credo che l’acqua sarà un giorno impiegata come combustibile, che l’idrogeno e l’ossigeno di cui è costituita, utilizzati isolatamente o simultaneamente, offriranno una sorgente di calore e di luce inesauribili e di un’intensità che il carbon fossile non può dare. Un giorno i depositi di carbone dei piroscafi e i tender delle locomotive invece che di carbone saranno caricati di questi due gas compressi che bruceranno con un enorme potenza calorifica. Credo quindi che quando i giacimenti di carbon fossile saranno esauriti si farà fuoco e ci si scalderà con l'acqua. L’acqua è il carbone dell’avvenire”.

Jules Verne - L'isola misteriosa - 1857

HYDROGEN EXPO is the biggest Italian exhibition & conference entirely dedicated to the technological sector for the development of the hydrogen supply chain.
The decarbonisation policy aimed at reducing global pollution sees hydrogen as a sustainable energy source since it can be generated using renewable energy and, therefore, it can be transported, stored and used as a gas; Italy can be an extremely interesting market for the development of hydrogen, thanks to the widespread presence of renewable energy sources and a capillary network for the transport of gas.

“I believe that water will one day be used as fuel, that the hydrogen and oxygen of which it is made, used singly or simultaneously, will offer an inexhaustible source of heat and light of an intensity that fossil coal cannot to give. One day the coal depots of steamers and the tenders of locomotives will instead of coal be loaded with these two compressed gases which will burn with enormous calorific power. I therefore believe that when the coal deposits are depleted, fire will be made and water will be heated. Water is the coal of the future”.

Jules Verne - The Mysterious Island - 1857

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